
Kentucky Fried Chicken

Recomendado por 11 personas locales,

Consejos de personas locales

February 27, 2018
The food store is in this complex as well
April 16, 2012
About a 2 minute walk.
April 6, 2019
Ok I know going to KFC in The Bahamas sounds crazy! But let me just say this if you have never had KFC in the Bahamas you are missing out. I don't know if it is the chicken, the water, the oil but in the Bahamas the KFC just tastes different. So just try it and let me know what you think.

Actividades únicas en los alrededores

Descubre los sabores de Nasáu con un amante de la gastronomía
Recorrido histórico por la ciudad de Nasáu
Descubre la ciudad y los lugares guiados por las Bahamas de Nassau
Mackey Street
Nassau, New Providence